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We are here to restore the recorded legacy of Franco Luambo Makiadi and TPOK Jazz, the greatest band to ever exist.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

FNMA Congo/Naboyi Libala Na Noko PF 11 549

This is a rare 45" of two Franco compositions. FNMA Congo was not released on any other LP or CD as far as we can tell. Naboyi Libala Na Noko was released on the Sonodisc CD 36554, 'Franco, Vicky et L'OK Jazz 1966/1967' in 1996.
The single is credited to Orchestre O.K. Jazz. 
There is no date on the label,we can presume 
it was released in 1966 or 1967.

Side A

F.N.M.A. Congo (Franco)

Side B

Naboyi Libala Na Noko (Franco)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this
    The cover art is even more rare than the music itself!

    wuod k

